More Art | Triangle Plaza, New York
Oct. 2 - Nov. 2, 2008

On view will be a new video work by Tony Oursler to be screened in the Fulton Houses Playground on 17th Street between 9th and 10th Avenue. AWGTHTGTWTA (Are We Going to Have to Go Through with This Again?) explores the dreams of students from Liberty High School (West 17th Street) and Clinton Middle School (West 21st Street). Oursler asked these teens, many recent immigrants, to choose their ideal or fantasy place. The resulting video work incorporates excerpts of student texts while addressing compulsive online gaming, shorthand sms text messaging, and youtube improvisational recordings that characterize their world. The audience will be able to interact with the work by sending text messages to a designated cell phone number, which will scroll across the screen in real time.